Hello Worthy Soul…

Isn’t time you start living in…

Wellness - Wholeness - Purpose

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My name is Jamie A Star Crawford. 


I am a daughter of the Living God, spirit, human, mother, Integration Life Coach, Self Mastery teacher, Psychedelic Integration Coach, and Mental & Emotional Wellness educator. 


My "whole-self" philosophy for total wellness is a meeting place through healthy mindsets, emotional intelligence, physical vitality, and spiritual congruency.


I believe it is where our divinity meets our humanity that we live the Human Experience.

It is the messiest, scariest, exciting, and most sacred school in the universe. 


We are here to take the curriculum and remember who we are...

I am here to help you.

May you be blessed and be a blessing everywhere you are.

Client Testimonial

“Jamie is a coach, teacher, mentor, facilitator and healer like no other. She inspires, empowers, and transmutes on many levels. Not only does she FULLY embody Divine Feminine, she also translates that energy into Human form in a relatable, duplicatable way. She is a very bright and personal guiding light to the TRUTH of one’s real SELF.  Jamie is the only one who gets me excited about descending into the deep, dank, hideous places of the perilous unknown by providing the tools and support that give me the certainty that I will uncover the gems and treasures that lay buried beneath the petrified sludge of trauma, pain and conditioning. Jamie has brought me out of decades of cycling between suicidal depression and vengeful rage, and she has assisted and supported me in challenging a lifetime of programming and lies while patiently supporting my transition into being able to see, have and be all that I was created for. She does this all in a way that maintains integrity, for both me and those who “accidentally” created the paradigms I am shifting out of. She truly is a healer of all humanity and a portal to elevating the collective consciousness. I am truly honored to share space and time with such an amazing woman.”

- Deborah Hart, Designer & Entrepreneur


Are you actively seeking to:

  • Learn how to use your mind, effectively?

  • Actually walk out the teachings you have already learned?

  • Understand how to break the patterns you already discovered in therapy and personal development?

  • Learn how to navigate life transitions without resistance?

  • Properly integrate Psychedelic Treatment pathways?

  • Understand the Who and What you are as a Spiritual being and how to walk that out by ease and grace?

  • Develop mastery over your emotional experience?

  • Learn how to work with the “inner committee” of voices and how to discern false from true narratives?

  • Walk IN your divine design, with your authentic voice, and KNOW you are in fact, loved, capable, and good enough for what you desire?

I have been where you have been…so what can I support you with?

  • Breaking cycles of depression

  • Lifting and breaking anxiety patterns

  • Balancing & understanding extreme emotions

  • Empaths and intuitive sensitives

  • Breaking Co-dependency

  • Healing addictive behaviors & coping patterns

  • Healing deep trauma

  • Rewriting your identity and your past

  • Major Life Transitions & Recovery

  • Relationship communication & intimacy building

  • Developing strong boundaries with self and others

  • Creating self-confidence and self-trust

  • Emotional, Mental, and Physical Wellness

  • Learning to master your mind

  • Navigating Spiritual Awakenings

  • Taking Massive Actions in your vision

  • Developing effective habits for success & inner joy

  • Discovering & activating your purpose

  • Spiritual & Self Alignment

  • Radical Self-Acceptance & Self Love

  • Radical Self-Honesty

What would you accomplish if you knew you were designed for what you desire?

What would you let go of if you knew you were unbreakable?

What would you say “yes” to if you knew your worth?

Client Testimonials

“I remember the first time I met her. She has this presence and aura that made me feel relaxed and safe. When she looks at me, it feels as if she can see what soul and get what I am trying to communicate without having to hear it. Through working with Jamie, she taught me how to hear my inner voice and to trust myself versus wanting to be in control of every aspect of my life.”

Victor Kung- Web Developer

“If I hadn't made this investment for my journey, I would be reliving the vicious cycle of patterns that held me back from living my life wholeheartedly. I wouldn't know how to deal with the weight I carried, and I would still be carrying around my wounds as a way of separating myself from the world... She taught me to rewrite my neuropathways to release fear from my mind and body.”

Megan A. - Artist & Non-Profit Advocate

“Jamie has literally changed my life... I’ve dealt with everything from depression, severe anxiety, and substance abuse to abusive relationships, job loss and the pandemic. Jamie helped me through all of it and also helped me finally get off prescription medications that I had been on for 12 years. Thank you Jamie! You are changing the world with the work you do!”

Alex Sevrine- Creator

Give yourself a free 20-minute discovery call, now!

There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation!